about me

me winning dare writting  contest in fifth grade and getting promoted to boreing six grade which i am at now

my dog penny getting ready to lay on her pellow by the stove

my dog penny layying down on her pellow asleep 

this is a picture of penny stilling my pellow

this is a picture looks like she said why in the world did you do that for

penny takeing a picture with my paper dog i drawed and clorar it and cut it

a picture of penny takeing a picture in the dark

this is  my lazey dog chewy she an't fat she just looks like it in this picture

this is my stupied retarted cousin bryce i wish i was never 

my picure is famous on google

i drew this on the computer myself 

i drew this 1 on my compiter to as a bratz girl in my gothic way

i got this off of google and deleted somee stuff when i was coloring on the computer 

this was the easyest 1 i made myself 

i made this 1 on my own who doesnt like america 

Me in my 1st formal dress going to my 1st formal dance :) 

 Ellie just loves her granny

The Other papa girl 

The most anoying kids on the planet! 

 The bratzz playing with my Bama babe

Dirty Girl & Bonehead 

 My Elephanta

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